ChatApp Customization

You can customise ChatApp in various ways by providing input to the mehtods of ChatUtil class .

The ChatUtil class contains the below mehtods which can be used for customization

Mehthod Name Usage Example
contacts Mode This is used for Identifying the contact mode whether the contacts are to be fetch from server or from phonebook .contactMode(String Mode)
contactApi Contains the url from where we will be getting the contacts in json format if the contacts are to be fetch from server .contactApi(String contactsUrl)
set_server_url This is for setting the server url where the php files are .set_server_url(String server_url)
credentials This will send username and password to server if server has user authentication .credentials(String id, String password)
.credentials("mac_123","pass1234" )
checkRegistration This is for checking whether the user is registered or not on the App .checkRegistration(boolean status)
register If you are integrating chatApp with your App your you can pass name and mobile number of the user there is no need for making the user do a new registeration for our App .register(String phoneNumber, String name) Example-
.register("+91 73388 57063","User")